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We are a party that holds to fiscal responsibility, limited government, and redeeming America One Community at a Time. We do hold a value of constitutional sovereignty the fights for the freedom of every American. We have traditional values that have been the cornerstone of our country's success.


This party has a mission to strive to bring the country back together and on one page of being the United States, not divided. We have taken far too long to have equal justice, equal pay, and equal living standards for our citizens. It is time to get the country on a path to redemption.


Our forefathers envisioned a nation where liberty and justice would thrive, where the sovereignty of the Constitution would guide us in safeguarding our freedoms. It is our constitutional right and duty to hold our government accountable and ensure that it serves the people with integrity and transparency.



Become a Redemptionist and join us in our mission as we set forth to bring 'Redemption' back to the United States of America.

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